At VanaTvam, we believe in the power of Natural Sustainability to create a better world. All our efforts in “Natural Sustainable land practices” refers to the use and management of land resources in a way that maintains its productivity and benefits both current and future generations. This includes practices that preserve soil fertility, conserve water resources, and protect biodiversity while meeting our needs.
We understand that many people would love to connect with nature and enjoy visiting and living on their own farms. Regrettably, they face obstacles like a lack of time or even knowledge of farming. We are on a mission to change that by making owning a farm simple, meaningful, and fulfilling.
VanaTvam is more than just a company that creates and manages farms – we are a community that values the connections between people, nature, and food and we are passionate about creating a world where everyone can experience the joys of farming and the satisfaction of growing their own food. We do this in various ways and use sustainable land management practices which involve a range of strategies like:
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